Annual Report 2022

Funding Windows

A key financing vehicle for UNDP’s efforts to reach the furthest behind first.


Welcome to the 2022 UNDP Funding Windows Annual Report. This report provides an overview of this unique funding mechanism and highlights its impact in enabling and promoting a sustainable development approach – including rapid responses to multidimensional crises – around the world.

In 2022, the world witnessed increased gender inequality and political polarization, narrowing of civic space, continued democratic backsliding, and frequent, intense instances of climate and environmental-related crises. We also saw the resurgence of interstate conflict. In this time of polycrisis, the UNDP Funding Windows ensure that UNDP remains agile and able to respond to the ever-changing global context rapidly and flexibly. The Funding Windows are foundational for UNDP’s proven approach and provide a reliable and impactful investment platform for development financing.
This report also features stories of impact, demonstrating tangible results in improving people's lives. These stories highlight that change at the individual and local levels are as critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and addressing global challenges as is systemic, national improvement.

UNDP remains committed to working with our partners to promote sustainable development through the support provided by the Funding Windows. I would like to thank Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom for your engagement and generous support. We hope that this report inspires continued collaboration and financial commitment that advance development outcomes to create a more just, equitable and sustainable world.
Alignment with the UNDP Strategic Plan
Usha Rao-Monari
Associate Administrator
United Nations Development Programme
UNDP Jamaica — Adult in uniform and child playing with hand signals

UNDP / Jamaica

2022 — A Snapshot

The Funding Windows are a key financing vehicle for UNDP’s efforts to reach the furthest behind first.

In 2022, the Funding Windows continued to serve as UNDP’s primary thematic funding vehicle, in support of the new UNDP Strategic Plan (2022-2025) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Funding Windows complemented UNDP’s core resources by providing catalytic funds in a range of development contexts, including those affected by complex and compounding crises. These funds allowed UNDP to target critical country and regional-level needs as they emerged, and to support ongoing integrated programmatic solutions around the globe.

Alignment with the UNDP Strategic Plan
Abdullah and his family are happy to finally reap the benefits of their hard work. Around 150 farmers in Deir ez-Zor harvested approximately 600 tons of corn in 2022 as a result of the UNDP Value Chain Support Programme, financed through the Funding Windows. The project is enhancing food security and improving livelihoods in targeted communities.
UNDP / Syria
Abdalmalek Alabdalaa
Abdullah and his family are happy to finally reap the benefits of their hard work. Around 150 farmers in Deir ez-Zour harvested approximately 600 tons of corn in 2022 as a result of the UNDP Value Chain Support Programme, financed through the Funding Windows. The project is enhancing food security and improving livelihoods in targeted communities.

$1 pooled investment yielded an additional $4.87 mobilized.

In 2022, 117 countries utilized Funding Windows resources to achieve their aims and make progress on Country Programme Document (CPD) outcomes. The Funding Windows supported programmatic operations in 40 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and in 52 countries and contexts that are considered to be affected by crisis and fragility.

Of the types of contributions received by the Funding Windows, pooled contributions consist of fully flexible, unearmarked resources. This report focuses primarily on the 40 countries and territories that were required to report in 2022 on the use of pooled funds.

In 2022, 15 percent of total expenditures qualified as GEN3 and 35 percent of pooled resources were spent on GEN3 projects.

UNDP Ukraine — crisis response firefighter first responders at the scene of a building explosion during the conflict in Ukraine

UNDP / Ukraine

The Value of the Funding Windows

The Funding Windows are a ‘one-stop shop’ for partners seeking to fund development solutions that complement UNDP’s regular resources and contribute to achieving Country Programme outcomes. In line with the Secretary-General’s Funding Compact, the Funding Windows provide options to countries coupled with rapid and effective oversight, reporting and accountability principles and mechanisms.

The Funding Windows:

  • Deliver programme results
  • Promote expert engagement for global policy development
  • Cultivate coherence and rapidly respond to crises
  • Enable innovation
  • Reduce transaction costs
  • Provide transparency and ensure accountability
  • Enable UNDP to work closely across UN agencies, funds, and programmes
Alignment with the UNDP Strategic Plan

countries mobilized additional resources

Alignment with the UNDP Strategic Plan

countries directed resources to underfunded priorities

Alignment with the UNDP Strategic Plan

countries enacted innovative solutions

Alignment with the UNDP Strategic Plan

Enabling innovation in Somalia

In Somalia, resources from the Funding Windows are improving health in at-risk communities – including for internally displaced peoples and persons with disabilities – by using existing infrastructure, such as youth centres, to launch telemedicine solutions. This work is conducted in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA).

The Funding Windows also enable UNDP to work closely across UN agencies, funds, and programmes, multiplying impact through coordinated interventions.

Alignment with the UNDP Strategic Plan

UNDP thanks Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom for their engagement and generous support.

Flag of Denmark
Flag of Germany
Flag of Iceland
Flag of Luxembourg
Flag of Norway
Flag of the Republic of Korea
Flag of Sweden
Flag of Switzerland
Flag of the Netherlands
Flag of the United Kingdom